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When Nudge Security identifies abandoned accounts at your organization, you may need help from a user with administrative privileges for that app to delete them. To help you identify users with admin privileges, Nudge Security automatically designates a technical contact for each application, starting with the first user of that app. You can also reassign technical contacts manually as needed.


Now, Nudge Security has added the ability to nudge technical contacts to assist with deleting or suspending abandoned accounts and reclaiming unused licenses. The technical contact will receive a list of abandoned accounts and instructions to confirm once they have performed the appropriate actions. Once they confirm that the accounts have been removed, the account statuses will be updated automatically within Nudge Security.


Nudge Security has added new ways for you to identify and track whether your employees’ accounts are still active, enabling you to delete abandoned accounts, reclaim unused licenses, and clean up orphaned data. 


Now, when you nudge users to ask if they’re still using an account, their answers will automatically apply account statuses within Nudge Security. In addition, for applications provisioned through SSO, Nudge Security will now automatically mark accounts as inactive after 90 days of inactivity. 


To visualize this information, we’ve added a graph displaying account statues on each application’s overview page that can be changed manually or updated automatically in the following ways: 


  • Deleted - User has responded to a nudge saying, “Account has been deleted,” or the account has been marked as deleted through the SOC 2 access review playbook or employee offboarding playbook
  • Active - User has responded to a nudge saying, “I’m still using it” or there is still activity in the SSO provider
  • Access revoked - Account access has been removed through the employee offboarding playbook
  • Abandoned - User has responded to a nudge saying, “No, I’m not using this”‍
  • Inactive - App is provisioned through SSO and the account has had no activity for 90 days


We’ve added a new nudge to help you verify whether OAuth grants for Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 are still in use before revoking them, so you can avoid any potential business disruption. When you nudge a user about an OAuth grant you hope to revoke, your user will receive an email or Slack message asking them to confirm whether they’re still using the integration. Once the user confirms that the integration is no longer in use, the OAuth grant will be revoked automatically.


We’ve released a new view to show the history of all the nudges your organization has sent in one centralized page, making it easier for you to follow the messages you’re sending to employees. You can also see the nudge history for each individual application at your organization. 


With this new view, you can:

  • See all the nudges that have been sent to your users, along with when, why, and who sent them
  • Find out whether users have seen your nudges yet
  • Track your users’ responses to queries, such as why they’ve signed up for a new application
  • See how long ago users were nudged so you can determine whether they need additional outreach


We’ve just released a brand new Slack integration to help you reach employees right where they’re working. 


With this new functionality, you can:

  • Send nudges to users in Slack, so users can respond directly from the Slack app
  • Track users’ responses within your Nudge Security dashboard
  • Receive Slack messages based on your custom notifications, such as when a new breach affects your organization’s supply chain or a user signs up for a new application


Take a tour of the new functionality below:



Learn more about the power of nudging with Slack in our latest blog post.

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