Avoid surprises during your SOC 2 audit.

Nudge Security discovers and categorizes cloud and SaaS assets in scope of SOC 2 and automates access reviews, helping you to stay compliant even as your cloud and SaaS infrastructure changes.

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Access Reviews

Find and manage assets in scope of SOC 2.

SaaS applications in use
Discover and inventory every cloud and SaaS asset created in your organization, historically and continuously, so you can track SOC 2 assets without a spreadsheet.
Classify SaaS assets
Nudge Security categorizes every cloud and SaaS application as it’s introduced, so you can easily search and filter for assets commonly in scope of compliance, such as developer tools or infrastructure providers.
Automated SaaS access reviews
Run a playbook to automate your SOC 2 access review process with reporting that you can use in your next audit.
Employee offboarding
As employees change roles or exit your organization, ensure that you deprovision cloud and SaaS accounts quickly and completely, including experimental accounts that might not be in your central directory.

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Vendor Reviews

Streamline SOC 2 vendor management.

Vendor security & compliance
Reduce the burden of vendor security reviews with built-in intelligence on vendors’ security, risk, and compliance programs.
SaaS supply chain
Monitor your 3rd, 4th, and nth-party vendor risk with automated SaaS supply chain data and detailed views of OAuth permission grants.
MFA status
Track MFA and SSO enrollment status for every account, be alerted when MFA is disabled, and automatically nudge employees to enable MFA or start an SSO onboarding process.

“Modern CIOs face a difficult balancing act enabling a highly distributed workforce with access to data and technology while trying to control the costs and risks associated with unchecked SaaS sprawl. Nudge Security strikes the right balance and helps modern organizations like ours manage the tide of SaaS sprawl without constraining employees’ abilities to move the business forward.”

AJ Beard
VP Applications and IT, Unify Consulting
The Power of Security Nudges

Work with employees, not against them.

  • Deliver helpful security cues based on proven behavioral science.
  • Educate employees about the importance of data security.
  • Gather real-time intel on what tools employees are using and why.

83% compliance rate with security nudges

32% compliance rate with traditional firewalls

Read our report
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Other Nudge Security use cases

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